Maker’s Way
12-Week Marketing Plan Workbook
Can you relate?
Have you ever been at a craft show and saw a booth that seemed to always have people in it? Have you wondered why they always sell out, while you struggle to sell your products?
Marketing is the secret that makes this happen.
What would happen if you learned to market your business consistently between shows?
YOU could be the one selling out.
You wouldn’t have to worry about low show attendance.
You could sign up for a show and have customers ready to buy every time.
When you take the time to build a marketing plan you will be amazed at the results!
What if you could build that plan for FREE?
Golden Heartland Academy founder, Tina Joy Cochran, has designed a simple and easy process to help you learn marketing so you can sell your handmade products without being salesy or compromising your faith. As the “Business Coach for Fiber Folks”, she helps academy members every day, grow their business in a way that is easy, feels right and most of all, is FUN!
Now, you have the opportunity to discover this process for free!
Sign up today to receive
The Maker’s Way
12-Week Marketing Plan Workbook
By the end of this workbook, you will
Know the most effective marketing strategy
Understand the difference between marketing and sales
Discover the four key questions you must answer for your business
Select marketing strategies that you will do
Design a 12-week schedule with actions to take each week
Be ready to take action and finally make marketing work for you!
What is “The Maker’s Way”? It’s a belief that you can live your faith out loud, walk boldly in the gifts God gave you AND make money enough for your family to thrive in life.
Sign up for your copy NOW!

Tina Joy Cochran
Golden Heartland Academy
The Golden Heartland Academy is an online coaching & training community that helps women learn business and marketing so that they can sell their handmade products without being salesy or compromising their faith.
As the founder and coach for the academy, Tina Joy Cochran brings knowledge, humor, heart, and compassion to help you design and grow a business you can love for a lifetime.
Tina combines her professional experience, education, and relationship with Jesus to bring unique insight and perspective to the challenges of running a handmade business with God.
She holds a master’s degree in Human Resource Development and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Finance.
Her professional experience includes more than 30 years in business and entrepreneurship, founding a nonprofit organization, publishing 2 books, and running an alpaca ranch.
An accomplished crochet and fiber artist, she lives in Nevada, Missouri on a 14-acre homestead with husband Bob and son Anthony.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
- Philippians 1:6